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Friday, April 16, 2010

What's happening? (" Hello World ";)

End sems are not happening. Heck, i'm just indifferent.
Acer Aspire 5740G...hmm quite a star among forums i'd say. Tempting too.
See, i get all psyched when it comes to making choices. Starts with 'no back-lit keyboards?' to 'where's the extra HDD slot? Sandforce's new SSD's been scorching the benches, now where am i gonna put those'. And then Anandtech says build is an issue and display sucks.
Gloss just bugs me more than i know why, and they all are lapping it up. Like them iPads, looks just nasty to me - you type on those with an add-on keyboard?Just why. I'd rather buy a notebook, or heck even the indigenous Adam does a better job, say what? And then the way apple is, 'never give more than what they cant complain much than they think its needed to buy'...yes, you don't reason with Mr.Jobs.
But manufacturers offer superior builds on business products don't they? So, why not an enthusiast build too? Been checking out Dell frequently, some great deals overall but they wont offer better GPU. No. See that's where Acer and others shines, 5650 is potent if not blazing.
What else..i'd say 7200rpm vs 5400rpm don't make much of a difference though, 10mbps more at your luckiest. And owning a SSD beyond 100gb is just cruel. So unless its an Asus G73jh-X1 to stick both of 'em in - speed & space, sulk.
Logitech Anywhere mouse MX is cute. And that awesome 'unified' receiver - the deal maker for me. See how it comes off like a cheap toy.
'Bout to make my first import, so lets see if KMD is for real. I love USofA.
Ultrasones Hfi450 are pretty good as my first 'audiophille' headphone experience. Not mine, so plan on buying the better ATH-M50 for its killer VFM (140$ shipped).
What's this blog about? Stuffs you'd find by truckloads online and then some you won't, are all here, like a RSS feed of feeds which matters (see how i came up with the blog title?). I'm a beginner myself but that's relative you know, so its a wannabe venture for some and too techy for others; i ain't playing popular here. If you must ask what really will be covered, i'd say reviews, internet & general tech would be my topics of choice.
Its a tall order and i haven't planned it all so don't hold your breath, I'm at liberty here!
End sems. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Piracy is discouraged.


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